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Town Council is committed to community growth through hard work and community involvements. It is our vision to see the betterment of town services as well as the development and evolution of community programs for all ages. Regular council meetings are held every third quarter with the exception of holidays.


Current members of council are as follows:


Tony Keats - Mayor


Robert Wiseman - Deputy Mayor


Alvinwood Johnson - Councillor


Jerry Hunt - Councillor


Eugene Button - Councillor


Masrshal Willis - Councillor


Claude Willis - Councillor


Our Town Council also has 6 committees where the Deputy Mayor and each member of Council chairs a separate Committee of Council. Each member of council chairs one committee and serves on two additional committee's. Each committee is comprised of three Councilors and a additional person. During the committee meetings issues relevant to that committee's mandate are discussed and the chair will then report on the meeting at the Regular Meeting of Council. The Mayor is an ex-officio member of all committee meeting at his discretion. The 6 committees are as follows:



Public Works Committee

Finance Committee

Bylaws Committee

Recreation Committee

Development & Heritage Committee


Public Works Committee


The mandate of the public works committee is to provide direction to council in the areas of water & sewer, waste management, roads and other outside municipal services. Meetings are held once a month.


Public Safety Committee


The mandate of the public safety committee is to provide direction to council in the areas of fire prevention and protection, municipal enforcement, dangerous goods, traffic flows and overall safety for our citizens. Meetings are held every quarter unless required.


Finance Committee


The mandate of the Finance Committee is annual budgeting, revisions to the budget, providing council with advice and recommendations on all financial matters, and providing timely and accurate financial information to council. The committee is also responsible for establishing guidelines and policies in the financial administration of council. Meetings are held once a month.


By-laws Committee


The mandate of the by-laws committee is to make revisions to existing by-laws and to prepare new by-laws pertaining to the municipality needs. Meetings are held every quarter.


Recreation Committee


The mandate of the recreation committee is to provide residents with the ability to socialize and participate in ongoing events. Meetings are held once a month.


Development & Heritage Committee


The mandate of the development & heritage committee is to preserve our heritage, and to plan & development areas for residential and commercial lots. Meetings are held every quarter.

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